Spring Cleanup 2014

Smoking Unravels Cosmetic Surgery Gains by MilfordMD

Cosmetic Surgery for Real, by Richard Buckley, MD

Today is the start of daylight savings time and even though it is lightly snowing here in Milford, PA we are reminded that spring is nearly here. It is almost time to shed some layers and spend more time outdoors.

With the increase in daylight hours you may be already feeling more energetic. You probably have or are making a list of what needs gussying up or some special attention: perhaps the salty vehicle, pot holes or flaking paint. Did your roof and gutters make it through the winter? Your basement hopefully stayed dry or at least is drying out. Are you thinking about what plants to put in or how to best revive the grass?

And speaking of cleanup how did you and your body do through the winter? Some people have suggested that we have one body and one mass and therefore our body mass index (“BMI”) should be calculated as 1/1. That would give us all the same fair number. Everyone’s body has shape and yes round is a shape, but did yours change in ways you wish it hadn’t? Now is a great time to put a “fix it plan” in place. And speaking of shape, fine tuning of stubborn areas of fat accumulation can be easily accomplished with some high-tech body sculpting. Did you know that laser liposulpting can be done comfortably and while-awake?

Cleanup and tune up options abound and for many it is the opportunity to enhance their shape through augmentation that is exciting. Most commonly it is breast augmentation with silicone or saline implants that gets considered. Did you know that for many, natural breast augmentation can be accomplished by transferring a person’s own living fat from an area where it is not wanted to the breasts?

Augmentation with natural fat is also very popular to reverse age related deflation of the face. To achieve a lifted more youthful buttocks, natural fat can be transferred to the upper outer areas. Some have called this a Brazilian butt lift of Dominican derriere lift.

I don’t know about you, but I have a very long list of things to accomplish and I am working my way through that list. Actually, I have more than one list and while things are getting accomplished and off the list more are being added every day. That’s life!

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