A neck lift procedure can restore the foundation of a youthful-looking neck by improving visible signs of aging on the neck and jawline. The loss of youthful contours in the neck can be due to a variety of factors, including heredity, gravity, environmental conditions, and stress. Excess fat and loose hanging skin under the chin can cause jowl formation. A neck lift procedure can remove fat and tighten the skin, many times without the need for surgery.
Am I a Candidate for a Neck Lift?
If you are noticing or experiencing any of the items listed below, you are a good candidate and should consider a neck lift. If you are in good general health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for a neck lift procedure.
- Lost the distinct jawline of your youth and want to restore it.
- A turkey wattle that makes you look much older than your age.
- Feel that your neck is too fat.
- Have excess skin and wrinkles on your neck.
What Are My Options for a Neck Lift Procedure?
MilfordMD offers minimally invasive and non-surgical options for a neck lift procedure. Completely non-invasive Ultherapy uses ultrasound to lift and tighten skin on the neck. While micro-invasive ThermiTight uses a tiny probe to direct radiofrequency energy under the skin to encourage natural collagen production and tighten the skin.
For fat reduction, PrecisionTx is a minimally invasive laser that melts and removes fat cells from under the neck. The PrecisionTx laser is then adjusted and used to tighten the skin. But if you prefer a non-invasive approach, MilfordMD also offers CoolSculpting for a neck lift procedure.