What is fat transfer?
Fat transfer, also known as fat injection, fat grafting, fat rebalancing, autologous fat transfer is a procedure where fat is removed from one area of the body and then then precisely placed in areas that need rebuilding, rebalancing and or volume replacement. Many body areas may benefit from fat replacement, including the aging or drooping face, breasts, hands and buttocks.
Can any doctor perform a fat transfer?
Dr. Richard Buckley has been performing cosmetic volume transformation for decades starting with the earlier collagens such as Zyderm and Cosmoderm. He participated in the clinical studies of Juvederm which resulted in its FDA approval in the US. Dr. Buckley has been performing fat transfer for many years and continues to help advance the art through varying techniques to help maximize the survival of transferred fat.
Is fat transfer right for me?
If you are looking to gain or restore the healthy glow of youth and to bring back a youthful shape you can explore how fat transfer might help you achieve your goals during a consult with Dr. Richard Buckley. Dr. Buckley will evaluate what you would like to achieve and provide you with answers your questions and recommendations on how to best achieve your desired result.
What anesthesia is the fat transfer procedure performed with?
Fat transfer is performed using only local anesthesia. In, other words you are awake during the procedure and able to listen to music and talk with the doctor. The local anesthesia is used on both the donor and recipient sites.
How is the fat transfer procedure performed?
After taking photographs and marking areas to be sculpted, Dr. Richard Buckley will very gently and slowly numb the donor area with tumescent anesthesia. Dr. Buckley then removes unwanted fat using tiny blunt tipped cannulas with attention to keeping the fat cells alive. The arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs are common donor sites, but you and Dr. Richard together will decide the best donor site(s). The fat is then prepared and carefully placed back within the recipient sites to replace or augment the fat that has naturally diminished with age. No incisions are made. No stitches are used.
What is the recovery from fat transfer to the hands like?
There is very little recovery time with fat transfer and a quick return to normal activities is expected. There can be some bruising and minor puffiness or swelling.