

New Patient Registration Packet

In preparation for your initial visit, please fill complete our new patient registration packet, which includes a medical history questionnaire and consents. The forms will be sent to our staff electronically upon completion. Please remember to bring your driver’s license or other photo ID with you to your scheduled appointment.

Notice of Patient HIPAA Privacy Policy

This Notice is yours to keep. We do not require that you bring a copy of this Notice to your scheduled appointment, unless you have any questions or concerns that you would like us to clarify. Please review this Notice in its entirety.

Pre- & Post-Operative Information

While our surgical procedures are performed under local tumescent anesthesia and are generally minimally invasive with little down-time, safety protocols must still be observed, as well as some recommendations made for your comfort. For your convenience, we have summarized pre- and post-op instructions in the links below to provide you with general information on what to expect before, during, and after your surgical procedure. Please note that this information may be overruled by specific procedural instructions provided to you during your pre-operative appointment with our Registered Nurse.

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