The following instructions should be followed except when overruled by specific procedural instructions. Make sure our doctors are aware of ALL medications you’re currently taking, including over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

Do’s & Don’ts Two Weeks Prior To Surgery


  1. Start taking a high-quality multivitamin one time each day to help prepare your body for surgery. We ask that you continue taking your multivitamin for at least one month after surgery as well. The more nutrients your body has, the healthier you will be, and your healing process will be faster.
  2. You may take Tylenol or generic forms of this drug (acetaminophen) if needed. It is safe for pain relief after surgery and do not interfere with blood clotting or healing.
  3. Stop taking SSRI’s which include Prozac, Luvox, Paxil, Celexa, Zoloft, and Lexapro. But only if given permission from your prescribing doctor.
  4. Stop taking other prescription medications which include Wellbutrin, Effexor, Cymbalta. But only if given permission from your prescribing doctor.
  5. Stop taking TCA’s which include Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline. But only if given permission from your prescribing doctor.
  6. Stop taking all diet pills regardless if they are prescription, over-the-counter or herbal because many will adversely affect anesthesia and can even cause blood clotting, heart rate, respiratory, or blood pressure concerns.


  1. Do not take any Aspirin or medication that contains aspirin (salicylic acid) or derivatives of aspirin such as Alka-Seltzer, Aleve, Excedrin or Excedrin Migraine, Darvon, Dristan, Aspirin Ascription, Emprin, and Percodan since they can impede the body’s ability for normal blood clotting.
  2. Do not take any Ibuprofen containing medications either prescription or over-the-counter such as Midol, Motrin, and Advil because ibuprofen impedes blood clotting.
  3. Do not take megadoses of Vitamin E. Instead, see above; take a multivitamin once per day that contains vitamin E in reasonable doses.
  4. Do not take any Aleve or medications containing naproxen or naproxen sodium as it also interferes with the blood’s ability to clot. These are a list of medications that have naproxen and should not be taken: Aleve, Naproxen and Naprosyn.
  5. Do not smoke as nicotine reduces the flow of blood to the skin and can cause substantial complications during the healing process.
  6. Discontinue all herbal medications as many of these “natural” substances can have serious side effects and could complicate your surgical procedure by: interfering with blood clotting, adversely affecting your blood pressure, or could interfere with anesthetics used during your procedure. The following herbal medications should be discontinued at least two weeks prior to surgery: Ginko Biloba, Garlic, and Ginger.

Do’s & Don’ts One Week Prior To Surgery


  1. Know your travel arrangements. If for any reason you do not want to use our paid transportation service, you must arrange for a responsible adult to drive you to and from the facility on the day of surgery; you will not be allowed to leave on your own.
  2. Report any signs of an illness such as cold, infection, boils, or pustules (whitehead-like pus-filled sores) appearing before surgery.
  3. If your skin tolerates, use a germ-inhibiting soap bath, such as Dial, Safeguard, or Lever 2000 for at least the week before surgery.
  4. Arrange for a companion to be with you. Arrange for a responsible individual to spend the first 24 hours at home with you; you CANNOT be left alone.


  1. Do not drink alcohol for one week prior to surgery and for one week after surgery as these can interfere with anesthesia and affect blood clotting.
  2. Do not take any cough or cold medications without permission from the doctor.

Night Before Surgery & Morning Of Surgery


  1. You can eat a light breakfast or a small lunch up to two hours before surgery.
  2. We can provide transportation to and from surgery (fee applies), but you are welcome to have a responsible adult transport you if you wish. Please note that a cab or bus driver will not be allowed to transport you after surgery.
  3. Clear your medications with our doctors. If you are on regular medications, please clear these with our doctors.
  4. Take a thorough shower with your germ-inhibiting soap the night before and the morning of surgery. Shampoo your hair the morning of surgery. This is to decrease the bacteria on the skin and thereby decrease the risk of infection.
  5. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that do not have to be put on over head. The best things to wear home are a button-top and pull on pants. You will want easy-to-slip-on flat house slippers or shoes.
  6. Provide us with your contact information. If you are not recovering at home, it is very important that we have the number where you will be afterwards.
  7. Bring a towel, and a plastic sheet (such as a trash can liner) to cover the car seat during your ride home to avoid staining the car seat with blood-tinged anesthetic solution. Additionally, prior to surgery, waterproof your bed with towels and plastic sheeting. Cover your living room chair and sofa as well. Be careful to avoid allowing drainage to stain carpets.


  1. Do not wear contacts to surgery. If you do wear glasses, bring your eyeglasses case.
  2. Do not apply any of the following to your skin, hair or face the morning of surgery: make-up, creams, lotions, hair gels, sprays, perfumes, powder, or deodorant. Using any of these products will add bacteria to the skin and increase the risk of infection.
  3. Do not bring any valuables or wear any jewelry (no rings, earrings, chains, toe rings, other metal piercing or watches). We will need to tape wedding rings if worn.
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