Time to RSVP for the “Lunch and Learn” on Facial Rejuvenation at MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center, October 25

Lunch and Learn October-25 By MilfordMD

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Milford, PA – October 10, 2017

MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center has announced it is hosting a “lunch and learn” on the latest in facial rejuvenation, Wednesday, October 25, from noon to 1:30 p.m. The special event luncheon at the MilfordMD practice in Milford, Penn., is free and open to the public.

“We’ll address today’s hottest topics in facial rejuvenation and unveil our latest 3D complexion analysis and 3D imaging technologies: Visia Complexion Analysis and VectraXT devices.”

Come chat with Dr. Marina Buckley, Board Certified physician at MilfordMD at our October 25th lunch and learn on facial rejuvenation, featuring a live demo on the latest in 3D complexion analysis!

“We’ll address today’s hottest topics in facial rejuvenation and unveil our latest 3D complexion analysis and 3D imaging technologies: Visia Complexion Analysis and VectraXT devices,” says Dr. Marina Buckley of MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center, in Milford, Penn. “It’s an opportunity for people who have been thinking about facial rejuvenation, aimed at reducing wrinkles, tightening loose skin, erasing brown spots and more, to join us in a comfortable environment, ask questions, see what’s new and talk with the doctors and staff.”

On the menu of topics:

MilfordMD has added revolutionary 3-dimensional Visia Complexion Analysis technology, by Canfield Scientific, a world leader in imaging systems. “We use the Visia device during aesthetic and skin care consultations to scientifically capture and pinpoint an individual’s skin type and facial areas that could be improved by specific products or procedures,” Dr. Buckley says. “The technology transposes its findings to a live image of the patient’s face. Looking at the live image, we can talk in real-time about the patient’s specific areas of pigmentary changes, skin texture issues, enlarged pores and wrinkles and come up with a customized treatment plan, including everything from skin care products to noninvasive and minimally invasive procedures and surgery, to address each concern.”

Dr. Buckley and the staff will also introduce its new VectraXT device, by Canfield. Vectra technology uses 3D imaging to transform a person’s face, breasts or body, to a realistic version of what they might look like after procedures. The device’s ultra-high resolution captures the smallest details, she says.

“Vectra adds a whole new dimension to the decision-making process,” Dr. Marina Buckley says. “While consulting with the patient, we can communicate the possibilities with live images of how a change might look from every angle—on that person’s face or body. The technology has revolutionized our ability to assess patients, educate them about the possibilities and show them results, before they apply one product, have one injection or undergo surgery.”

Dr. Buckley and the staff will also talk about today’s nonsurgical options to rejuvenate the face and neck, including the popular Sculptra filler for the face; Fraxel laser resurfacing;  Thermi and Ultherapy skin tightening options for the face and neck; and CoolSculpting, for a more defined, youthful jawline and neckline. “We can literally address every facial aging concern with fillers and devices,” Dr. Buckley says. “The good news for patients is that most of these treatment options are comfortable and require no downtime.”

Attendees will receive coupons for a free Visia analysis, a $99 value, and a complimentary cosmetic consultation, a $150 value, both valid through December 20, 2017. There also will be a raffle for a MilfordMD tinted sunscreen, valued at more than $45. “People can come to the lunch and learn, think about what they’d like to do and have procedures done in time to look their best for the holiday season,” she says.

A light lunch will be provided. The MilfordMD staff is taking reservations now, and space is limited. To RSVP call MilfordMD at (570) 296-4000.

About MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center:

The MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center offers state-of-the-art highly specialized procedures in laser and cosmetic-surgery and aesthetic skin care. In addition to its AAAHC accredited surgical center and extensive laser surgery capabilities, MilfordMD offers physician designed skin care products for home use. Milford Pennsylvania’s MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center is sought out by patients from around the world for expertise and innovation in cosmetic treatments performed by Richard E. Buckley, M.D. and Marina Buckley, M.D.

MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center is located at 303 W. Harford Street, Milford, PA 18337. Tel: (800) 664-1528. For real patient video testimonials, visit our MilfordMD YouTube channel.

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