Summertime Specials that offer $1000s Off Popular Nonsurgical Butt & Face Lift Procedures

Summer Specials By MilfordMD

MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center Announces Summertime Specials that offer $1000s Off Popular Nonsurgical Butt and Face Lift Procedures

Nonsurgical lifting is in full bloom at MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center, which has announced this year’s summer specials that include up to $3,500 savings on the nonsurgical Brazilian Butt Lift using Sculptra dermal filler, and $1,000 off the price of the nonsurgical Nova Thread Lift, a procedure that subtly lifts sagging facial or neck skin without downtime.

Summer heat is on its way, which means it’s no longer possible to hide facial and body imperfections. These summertime specials will make bringing out bikinis much easier! Save on nonsurgical BBL & FL.

“The summer heat is on its way, which means it’s no longer possible to hide facial and body imperfections with clothes. These summertime specials will make bringing out bikinis and putting away the turtlenecks that much easier.”

Self magazine reported last year on how butt enhancement is the fastest growing cosmetic procedure. The soaring popularity of procedures that add volume and lift, from surgery to fat transfer and Sculptra injection, is fueled by celebrities believed to have enhanced their bottoms, including Kim Kardashian. Source

“Butt lifting with implants is a surgical procedure that requires downtime. There’s also the option of fat transfer, which is a great alternative, but requires getting the fat from another body area and transferring into the buttocks and some people just don’t have the fat. A new option we’re highlighting this summer 2017 is using Sculptra dermal filler to augment the buttocks. There’s no downtime associated with this version of the Brazilian butt lift and results last for years,” Dr. Buckley says.

Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulator. While hyaluronic acid fillers “plump” wrinkles by pushing up the deeper skin layers, collagen stimulators, like Sculptra, help to restore underlying skin structures by working with the body to revitalize collagen. “Sculptra increases volume and adds fullness and lift, but subtly,” Dr. Buckley says. “It’s a great option for clients that want to add a natural-looking enhancement to a slightly sagging, deflated buttocks area.”

Cosmetic surgeons generally use from 20 to 40 Sculptra vials, depending on each patients’ needs. And most patients will want about three treatments, done about every four to six weeks to see the best results, according to Dr. Buckley.

“Before using the dermal filler to enhance the buttocks, we used Sculptra to add volume to the face for many years. It’s a safe and effective dermal filler, an ideal for an area like the butt because of its collagen-promoting powers,” Dr. Buckley says.

To add to the cosmetic effects of butt enhancement with Sculptra, Dr. Buckley and his staff offer procedures to smooth out cellulite, including Thermage and Cellulaze, which in one treatment can considerably reduce the bumps of cellulite. “Together, these noninvasive approaches can get the buttocks bikini-ready, just in time for summer,” he says.

Lunchtime face and neck lifting, a noninvasive facial rejuvenation option that also relies on the body’s ability to create new collagen, involves using a brand of commonly used absorbable surgical sutures to lift sagging facial and neck skin. Dr. Buckley gently inserts a needle pre-loaded with the absorbable suture thread under the skin in a way that restores the youthful V-shape to the lower face and jawline. The material supports the tissue by creating a scaffolding. The body absorbs the suture material during the next four to six months, while the skin repairs itself, naturally heals and creates collagen around the suture to maintain the lift, even after the suture is gone, he says.

“The Nova Thread Lift is a lunchtime procedure that isn’t painful,” Dr. Buckley says. “The thread lift does what Botox and fillers can’t. It lifts the tissue for a more youthful neckline and lower face, addressing the saggy jowls and necks that make many of us look years older than we feel.”

For more on MilfordMD’s summer specials, go to our Specials page.

About MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center:

The MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center offers state-of-the-art highly specialized procedures in laser and cosmetic surgery and aesthetic skin care. In addition to its extensive laser surgery capabilities, MilfordMD offers physician designed skin care products for home use. Milford Pennsylvania’s MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center is sought out by patients from around the world for expertise and innovation in cosmetic treatments performed by Richard E. Buckley, M.D. and Marina Buckley, M.D.

MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center is located at 303 W. Harford Street, Milford, PA 18337. Tel: (800) 664-1528. For real patient video testimonials, visit our MilfordMD YouTube channel.

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