NuEra Tight

NuEra Tight

NuEra Tight is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive skin smoothing system that uses temperature-controlled radio-frequency (RF) technology. This treatment targets and revitalizes superficial and deep skin layers, addressing concerns like cellulite and skin laxity. It is suitable for various body areas and provides benefits such as reducing crepey skin, tightening jowls, and increasing collagen production.

Nueratight by MilfordMD in Richard Buckley, MD


NuEra Tight is an advanced solution that helps tighten the skin on both face and body. It also effectively reduces the appearance of cellulite and provides lymphatic massages to promote healing after treatments like CoolSculpting or laser liposuction.
A session with NuEra Tight results in smoother, tighter skin, reduced double chin appearance, increased circulation, and immediate collagen remodeling. There is zero downtime, allowing for a quick return to regular activities.
Most individuals with varying skin complexions can benefit from NuEra Tight treatments, excluding those who are pregnant, have active infections, or are heat sensitive. Precautions are taken for cuts, lesions, piercings, tattoos, and certain medical implants.
NuEra Tight offers a spa-like experience, delivering comfortable radio-frequency energy to the skin. Temporary swelling and redness may occur post-treatment, but no downtime allows clients to resume regular activities immediately.
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