Restylane® Silk – First FDA Approved Filler Indicated for Lip Enhancement and Treatment of Perioral Lines

Restylane®Silk is a smooth hyaluronic acid gel designed to restore natural youthful definition and symmetry to the lip and mouth area. Restylane® Silk gives natural-looking lip definition and smooths wrinkles around the mouth.

As people age, fat and collagen in the face begin to deteriorate and bone loss occurs. Skin thins and there are more noticeable lines and wrinkles. This process of three dimensional volume loss in the lower face, results in a decrease in lip volume giving a change in shape and an increase in peri oral lines (around the mouth).

Replacement of the hyluronic acid lost through aging with the hyaluronic acid in Restylane®Silk restores lip shape and enhances definition. To help address the signs of aging in the smile area and

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