How does the passage of time affect the face?

The passage of time results in loss of facial volume. The skin thins as does the layer of fat beneath the skin. Structures supporting the skin such as muscles and bone also thin. So, what can be done? Volume loss requires volume restoration. This can be accomplished with fillers ranging from synthetic materials such as Juvederm, Restylane, and Radiesse to your own living fat and stem cells. Sometimes, the skin has sagged enough so that some lifting and trimming is needed in order to achieve the desired amount of freshening. Surgical lifting is known as rhytidectomy and can help improve the signs of aging such as sagging, creases, loose skin, and reduced or misplaced fat deposits. Lifting is not a substitute for fillers and anyone requiring a lift will benefit from volume restoration using fillers.

Before & After


A mini facelift can help improve the lower 2/3 of the face. It does not do anything for the brow (Botox or brow lift) or eyelids (lasers, Thermage or Blepharoplasty).

A patient who is in good general health, is a non-smoker, has a stable weight, and has a good realistic outlook may consider the procedure. Facelifts as with other aesthetic-cosmetic procedures should not be done because someone else thinks you should. They should only be done if they are something you desire for yourself.

At MilfordMD Surgery & Laser Center, even if a facelift is advisable, we know that it is important to restore the face volumetrically and to address skin texture and tone with laser and radiofrequency tightening devices. If after restoration additional tightening is desired, this may be accomplished with a mini-facelift (or short scar lift, “S” lift).

Mini facelifts are an outpatient procedure and you will spend a few hours in our outpatient facility. Only local skin anesthesia is required. The mini-lift utilizes incisions placed in the normal skin creases in front of the ears. The mini facelift works first under the skin where facial muscles (SMAS) are tightened. This allows for repositioning of skin, removal of excess, and results in tightening and a decrease in sagging. You will have some swelling and small stitches, mostly hidden under the skin. You may have some bruising and you should plan on having a week where you don’t have to go out in public. The sutures are removed 7 days after the procedure. The lift helps to pull out wrinkles and facial contours are improved.

While the appearance of age can be improved, cosmetic procedures do not stop the passage of time. For example, if procedures helped you look 10 years younger, one year from now you will look an additional year older. A mini face lift may ”last” 5-10 years.


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