Wrinkles are creases on the skin created by voluntary and involuntary muscle movements. There are many factors that impact the severity of wrinkles, such as sun exposure and smoking tobacco products. Avoiding sun and smoking can mean the difference between having fine lines and deep furrows.
There are many ways to treat wrinkles depending on several factors, including skin type and patient preference. At MilfordMD we offer non-surgical wrinkle treatments, such as laser, light therapy, injectables, radio frequency, and ultrasound therapy. For a more aggressive approach, we offer surgical options such as mini face lifts, blepharoplasty and more.
SMOOTHBEAM Laser System for Wrinkles & Frown Lines
The new treatment of choice for many age-old skin problems including wrinkles,
crows’ feet, lip lines, sun-damaged skin and acne scars.
Smoothbeam’s Laser Assisted Skin Renewal is an “inside out” approach to healthier looking skin. The patented LASR process represents advanced technology for remodeling the body’s natural collagen using no dangerous chemicals, needles, anesthesia, and requires no aftercare or down time – just healthier, better looking skin.
To determine your best treatment option, schedule your facial rejuvenation consultation today by calling +1(570) 296-4000.