Undesirable Leg Veins

Undesirable leg veins can be effectively treated in a number of ways. Tiny veins respond well to laser treatments. Medium to larger diameter veins may be treated by lasers and/or by the injection of a substance, known as a sclerosant, that will begin a process that results in sealed, closed veins.


Sclerotherapy is a proven medical treatment used to eliminate leg veins. Tiny needles are used to inject an FDA approved sclerosing substance into undesirable veins. At MilfordMD we no longer use hypertonic saline as a sclerosant because there are more effective, more comfortable options. Our favorite sclerosing substances used to close veins are STS (sodium tetradecyl sulfate) and Asclera. We usually foam the product prior to injecting it. Injection of foamed sclerosant results in more blood being moved out of the vessel being treated. The foam also helps the sclerosing solution to stay in contact with the blood vessel wall for a longer period, resulting in greater effectiveness. Patients are asked to wear compression stockings after the procedure to help the blood vessels close more effectively.

Before & After

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Ambulatory phlebectomy is performed at MilfordMD as an outpatient procedure which takes very little time and which requires only a local numbing agent. The skin overlying the undesirable bulging leg veins is marked. The area to be treated is cleaned with sterilizing surgical scrub and numbed using a tiny needle. A very small incision is made over the upper and lower end of the vessel that was marked, and it is identified, loosened, tied off and removed. MilfordMD also has a Sciton ProV laser, and this can is used inside the whole length of longer deep vessels if they need to be sealed: Pro V – EVLT. Compression stocking are to be worn for at least a week after surgery.

Spider Vein Treatment

Spider veins (telangiectasias) branch out from a central point and are easily treated by with a laser. They are typically not very big and may resemble the body and legs of a very thin red-purple spider. Telangiectasias (spider veins) respond very well to a number of treatments. On the legs we will treat these with one of our lasers such as the GYag (GentleYAG) or VBeam. Spider veins may resolve after the very first treatment. Some are more resistant and may require a few treatments given at 2-4 week intervals. There is no “down-time” and the treatments are very quick.

Varicose/Leg Veins

Varicose leg veins are caused by incompetent perforator veins. The areas inside the veins that require treatment are identified using external ultrasound. At Milford MD we use a Sciton Pro-V laser to seal leg veins. After local numbing with a small needle a laser fiber is introduced into the offending vein. The laser is turned on as the laser fiber is withdrawn from the vein at a certain speed. This laser treatment begins a closing process. Multiple treatments may be required in order to achieve optimal results.

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