fat Excess & Bulges

Excess fat is a common complaint among our patients. Fat bulges can be found in the abdomen (lower belly fat), the arms (bat wings), inner and outer thighs (thunder thighs), and under the neck (double chin). But fat cells are not limited to just to those areas. For example, we have treated excess fat on the upper eyelids, hands and knees.

At MilfordMD, we offer both non-invasive and minimally invasive options to reduce fat bulges and remove excess fat. In our line on non-invasive options we have Kybella injectable fat reduction treatments and CoolSculpting ‘Freeze the Fat’ treatments. For a more aggressive approach to fat reduction, we offer laser liposuction and body sculpting.

There are various factors we consider when selecting the best procedure to address unwanted body fat. We customize each treatment to help you achieve your body contouring goals.

To find out whether you are candidate for any of our fat reduction options, call to schedule your bodysculpting consultation today: (570) 296-4000.

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