Naturally Increase Butt Size Using Your Own Fat!

Wouldn’t it be nice to reduce your waistline and augment your backside in one procedure, for that perfect hourglass look!? For years, Dr. Buckley has been performing fat transfer to the buttocks and body contouring using a patient’s own fat to achieve their desired look. Through a fat transfer procedure, patients are combining a laser liposculpture procedure and a butt augmentation procedure into one comfortable out patient procedure.

Butt augmentation by fat transfer is a modern, safe alternative to traditional implant surgery. With natural butt augmentation, your own fat can be easily removed from areas where you do not want it and precisely placed in areas that need rebuilding, rebalancing and fat (volume) replacement.

Only local anesthetic is used, allowing the patient to be awake during the procedure and, if she desires, view the results during the procedure. No scalpel and no stitches, so our patients are able to quickly return to their normal activities. And while the procedure is sometimes referred as fat injection, we do not inject the living fat, but rather gently place the fat using very thin blunt tipped tubes, known as cannulas. These cannulas are similar to the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen. There have been many recent improvements in fat transplantation – grafting techniques, providing for an accurate and long lasting result.

Natural butt augmentation with fat grafting (autologous fat transfer) uses a patient’s own fat as micro-living implants. We perform a very fine detailed gentle transfer of the fat to sculpt and enhance the buttocks. Autologous fat is then placed differentially into the areas which need it the most.

With autologous fat butt augmentation, there is no implant to feel. Candidates for butt augmentation with fat cells must have no personal or first degree relative (e.g. mother) history of cancer, have a good volume of unwanted fat available and must not be considering synthetic implants.

Schedule a consultation for a butt augmentation procedure to learn how we can remove unwanted belly fat and transfer it to your buttocks area, for the perfect derriere!

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