Fat Reduction

Fat reduction of pockets of unwanted fat, which are commonly diet and exercise resistant, is common concern for many of our patients. Whether it comes in the form of an after pregnancy stomach pouch, flabby ‘bat wing’ arms, or a neck wattle, localized areas of fat can be difficult to get rid of.

Luckily, today’s technology has come a long way from the old days of very invasive and long-term recovery liposuction. At MilfordMD, we offer the latest in fat reduction options, including laser-assisted lipolysis, most commonly known as laser liposuction, and CoolSculpting, a completely non-surgical fat reduction procedure.

Fat Reduction Procedures at MilfordMD in Milford PA

Fat reduction is not have a ‘one type fits all’ procedure. There are many variables involved in determining the best protocol that meets your expectations and budget. A full body analysis must be completed to make sure you qualify for a fat reduction procedure and to determine which protocol will yield the best results.

Call today to request your bodysculpting consultation and find out whether a fat reduction procedure is right for you.

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