Only 8% of Americans Actually Achieve Their New Year’s Resolution – How Laser LipoSculpting Can Help the Other 92%

New Year Resolution Laser LipoSculpture By MilfordMD

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Milford, PA – December 13, 2019

When patients want to get rid of stubborn, unwanted fat it’s about more than just sucking out the fat. It’s about creating a desired look that typically goes beyond simply removing the fat.

It’s that time of year when the champagne corks are flying, Ryan Seacrest is counting down the Times Square ball drop, “Auld Lang Syne” is being sung in drunken merriment and people are swearing that this is the year they will actually achieve their New Year’s resolution. According to, about 60% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions but only about 8% of us are actually successful in achieving them. In 2019, sticking to a healthy diet, exercising more and losing weight were the top 3 resolutions. If reducing fat and getting shapely curves and contours are on your New Year’s resolution, why not opt for a method that has a much higher success rate.

Often confused with laser liposuction, Laser LipoSculpture goes beyond simply sucking out fat. It relies on the surgeons artistic ability to remove fat & tighten skin to create beautiful contours.

“Clients often ask how many pounds will be removed with Laser LipoSculpture but what they truly desire is a particular look in & out of clothing. That look is achieved with fat removal AND artistic contour enhancement. It requires a true level of artistry to create symmetry and pleasing proportions.”

A method that celebrities like Amber Rose, Cardi B, Chrissy Tiegen, Kathy Griffin, Jamie Lee Curtis and Heidi Montag have all used successfully to eliminate unwanted fat – liposuction. In the United States, liposuction or more commonly known as “lipo” is the second most sought after cosmetic surgical procedure. It utilizes a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body that don’t tend to respond as easily to diet and exercise. To get his patients the best results, cosmetic surgeon and Medical Director of MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center in Milford, PA Dr. Richard Buckley prefers to utilize a version of liposuction called Laser LipoSculpture that goes beyond simply sucking out the fat.

“Patients often ask how many pounds of fat will be removed with Laser LipoSculpture but what they truly desire is a particular look in and out of their clothing,” says Dr. Buckley. “That look isn’t achieved only with fat removal but with contours and is a function of creating evenness, symmetry and pleasing proportions. Much as a sculptor of stone uses fine tools to release the being from the rock so too do cosmetic surgeons use fine tools to bring out the best in our patients.”

Often laser liposuction and liposculpture are used interchangeably but do not be misled. Laser liposuction only melts unwanted fat away with a very small, precise laser fiber. Combining laser liposuction and body sculpting techniques, Laser LipoSculpture relies on the doctor’s artistic ability to sculpt curves by removing fat and tightening the skin. As Dr. Buckley says, “it is not about sucking, injecting, squirting, etc… it is always about the artistry. Done well, most things are not as simple as they seem and body sculpting and rejuvenation are two of those things. LipoSculpture requires skillful hands and an artistic eye in the pursuit of perfection.”

When most people think of liposuction they typically only think of the major problematic areas such as abdomen, thighs, love handles. With Laser LipoSculpture patients can go beyond areas of bulk fat removal to some of the finer areas of the body such as the face, jowls, neck, elbows, knees and ankles (“cankles def: thick or stout ankles”) where precise, artistic sculpting can yield amazing results. In fact, Laser LipoSculpture is ideal for a wide variety of problem areas such as saddle bags, tummy rolls in the abdomen, inner and outer thighs, double chin, knees, calves, arms, hips, and buttocks.

“When it comes to Laser LipoSculpture pretty much any part of the body is fair game. But a key point for those interested in cosmetic improvement is to be seen by a cosmetic medical doctor who understands aging including volume changes and specializes in improving contours and skin quality. Some areas of excess fat may require only laser liposuction treatment such as the face whereas other areas of fat accumulation such as around the ankles may require only minimal fat removal by sculpting to achieve outstanding results,” says Dr. Buckley.

While there really is no area of the body Laser LipoSculpture can’t treat, the upper arms are a favorite treatment for women, according to Dr. Buckley. From small fat accumulations that just won’t respond to exercise to the ever frustrating “bat-wings” that say hello when waving good-bye, arms tend to respond well to Laser LipoSculpture alone if there is not a lot of loose skin. For patients who have a significant amount of loose skin, especially in those who have lost a large amount of weight, Dr. Buckley trims off the excess skin in an in-office procedure known as brachioplasty.

Not only does while-awake laser liposuction treatment differ vastly from so called non-invasive treatments, it also provides a much better solution for patients who want or need more fat removal and body sculpting than popular treatments such as EmSculpt and CoolSculpting. While EmSculpt creates some change in muscle it does not remove fat deposits or provide detailed contour change. CoolSculpting does kill about 20-25% of the fat cells per treatment in the treated area but since the treatment utilizes a one-size-fits-all applicator there is no ability to artistically sculpt the body to the patient’s desired results.

“Using safe, local tumescent anesthesia or ‘while awake’ anesthesia on the localized treatment areas, in our AAAHC nationally accredited surgical center at MilfordMD, we typically make no incisions and place no drains during Laser LipoSculpture. “Our patients return to their normal activities quickly”, states Dr. Buckley. “We do have them wear compression garments after the procedure to enhance the results and limit bruising. While we do recommend taking a day off work after the procedure, many of our patients have returned to work the following day.”

Make a resolution that is easy to keep. Reduce fat and sculpt gorgeous contours with Laser LipoSculpture. “I love treating my patients with Laser LipoSculpture because it is a hand-crafted art form that allows me to put my 30 years of experience and eye for perfection to work to create beautiful results and happiness for my patients,” says Dr. Buckley.

About MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center:

The MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center offers state-of-the-art highly specialized procedures in laser and cosmetic surgery and aesthetic skin care. In addition to its AAAHC nationally accredited surgical center and extensive laser surgery capabilities, MilfordMD offers physician designed skin care products for home use. Milford Pennsylvania’s MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center is sought out by patients from around the world for expertise and innovation in cosmetic treatments performed by Board Certified Physicians, Richard E. Buckley, M.D. and Marina Buckley, M.D.

MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center is located at 303 W. Harford Street, Milford, PA 18337. For real patient video testimonials, follow MilfordMD on Instagram and Facebook, and visit our MilfordMD YouTube channel.

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