Miley Cyrus’s twerking spotlights the butt at a time when illegal buttock injections are common

How Long Does a Fat Transfer to the Buttocks Last by Milford

There are two trending items that I think are ironically related. One is the emphasis on Miley Cyrus’ butt injections. One can’t help but notice how her butt isn’t protruding in some of those twerking pictures that went viral. At the same time, illegal buttock injections continue to kill people. Yes, people (predominately women) are dying from a procedure that should be relatively safe, if performed by a credible and experienced physician.

Sun Sentinel reporter Adam Sacasa reported earlier this month (on September 5, 2013) about a recent tragic turn of events having to do with bad butt procedures by a sham provider.

A man named Calvin Edward Butler, dubbed the ‘motel surgeon’ was sentenced to eight years in prison and accused of illegal injections of silicone into people’s butts.

According to the article, “Investigators learned of the Krazy Glue-sealed injections in January after a man and woman came to them telling stories of how Butler … injected their buttocks with silicone from a plastic cup.”

This guy did the injections in a motel room and charge people $200 each for the procedure. One of the poor people who fell for this fake medicine suffered an infection and had to have another surgery.

At least this person lived to tell about it. Some aren’t so lucky.

Done right, the Brazilian butt lift or Dominican Derriere, also called butt augmentation, is a great procedure for creating a more rounded, perky buttock. It’s a minimally invasive procedure performed in our office while the patient is comfortable and awake.

And, it’s safe. We don’t use implants; rather, we use a patient’s own fat and transfer it to the buttocks. In my experience, using fat results in more natural look than butt implants.

For more about the “real” butt lift, visit our Brazilian Butt Lift page.

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