Freezing Time: It’s Easier Than You Think

Healthy skin woman natural make up beauty face closeup

I don’t know about you, but summer is by far my favorite time of year. I love the heat, the summer fashion, spending more time with the kids and swimming. But with swimming comes getting into a bathing suit, so of course I want to look good; who doesn’t? While exercise and diet are key ingredients to a healthy life, sometimes eating right and exercising aren’t enough to slim down certain spots in the body. That’s where Marina Buckley, M.D. can help with a newer technology – Venus Freeze.

Maybe you’ve heard of Venus Freeze. It’s been featured on quite a few television shows and in magazine articles lately because it’s seriously all the rage. How could you dislike a treatment that helps to reduce cellulite, tighten skin and feels like a hot stone massage? The old adage “No pain, no gain” goes right out the window when we are discussing this treatment. Not only is there no pain, but Venus Freeze is relaxing, just like a spa treatment. But the difference here is the relaxation of the spa treatment ends shortly after you leave the spa. Venus Freeze’s benefits just keep getting better and better with each treatment.

Venus Freeze arrived at the Northeastern Pennsylvania office of MilfordMD just a few weeks ago and patients already love the results they’re seeing. You can “Venus Freeze” any area on the body. The most popular areas to have treatments are the face, abdomen, arms, neck, thighs and buttocks. Many patients ask, “Is the treatment cold, since ‘freeze’ is in the title?” The answer to that is no. The word “freeze” actually means it freezes time, not your skin. Treatments are warm, so it’s just the opposite of how people originally perceive it.

When Venus Freeze arrived here at MilfordMD, all the employees lined up for a turn. We kept Dr. Marina Buckley busy! With all the hype surrounding this machine, knowing exactly how it felt and seeing it in action was important. Not one complaint was heard. Actually, everyone wanted to know when they could get their next treatment.

Here are a few key things you should know about Venus Freeze –

– This isn’t a one-and-done kind of treatment. While the number of treatments vary from patient to patient, depending on the area and condition of the area to be treated, six to eight treatments are typically recommended for optimal results. Treatments should be spaced about a week apart.

– This is a treatment you can have on your lunch hour, and go right back to work. Each treatment area only takes 30 minutes or fewer. There is no pain and no downtime. So the same way you walk into the office, you will walk right back out. Only difference is you might be more relaxed walking out of the office. Great deal, right?

– Maintenance treatments are a good idea after your initial round of six to eight treatments – one treatment per season should do the trick. (Although, you may want more than that. And you can have more treatments than four a year.)

– While Venus Freeze can “freeze” and reverse time, the clock doesn’t stop ticking. This is why maintenance treatments are a great idea and recommended.

I’m sure you are now wondering what the bad news is. With all this good news, there must be some bad news, right? Well, guess again. The only bad news I can think of is that you have to pay for treatments; it isn’t free. But it is very affordable, and right now we are offering some awesome introductory specials.

Now I know you are ready for that first appointment. I’m waiting for the phone to ring – 570-296-4000.

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