Richard E. Buckley, M.D. of MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center has a passion for helping patients look and feel their best through the restoration of a youthful appearance with advanced cosmetic surgery techniques.
Today’s techniques for restoring a more youthful, toned appearance take a cosmetic physician’s expertise and an artist’s aesthetic talent. “Patients who come to me for tummy tucks or facelifts are often surprised when I suggest noninvasive approaches to meet their needs,” observes cosmetic surgeon Richard Buckley, MD. “While some patients still need the more invasive procedures, the fact is, we’re performing only one-tenth the number of facelifts we performed just ten years ago, thanks to the variety of nonsurgical choices available today including our DermaTyte procedures.
During the DermaTyte laser skin tightening and liposculpting procedure, pioneered by Richard E. Buckley, M.D. of Pennsylvania’s MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center, laser energy is used to tighten lose skin from underneath and on top. This can often be sufficient to replace traditional more invasive surgery such as tummy tucks and facelifts.
“I’m a student of anatomy and the effect time and the environment have on our appearance,” Dr. Buckley shares. “I’ve traveled the world learning how people’s appearances vary from culture to culture and from youth to maturity. This broad perspective provides me with a larger palette of options to offer when I guide patients in choosing, what is best for them, between traditional and noninvasive or minimally invasive aesthetic choices.”
Too much fat:
One of the most popular minimally invasive procedures Dr. Buckley offers is laser liposculpture. Carefully controlled laser energy melts the fat and tightens the skin, while gentle suction removes the unwanted fat cells. Dr. Buckley has pioneered unique ways to safely deliver the laser energy to deeply heat the dermal collagen and to preferentially target water and collagen within the dermis. This results in shrinkage of dermal tissues including skin, oil glands, skin pores, and dermal blood vessels. Existing dermal collagen is contracted and the formation of new dermal collagen is stimulated.
Skin wrinkling and sagging:
Another very popular treatment is AFT (autologous fat transfer, fat grafting) where fat is moved from an area of the body where it is not wanted and placed elsewhere on the body to increase volume or fill in sunken areas.
“At MilfordMD I combine fat, which contains stem cells, with the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma,” describes Dr. Buckley. “I can rebuild and rejuvenate the face, neck, décolletage, breasts, hands, buttocks, indentations (scars) and more with this technique.”
“I invite patients considering aesthetic procedures to visit or call the office,” encourages Dr. Buckley. “Everyone here is friendly, compassionate, and well-educated about the ever-expanding range of today’s aesthetic options and what they can do for you.”
For more information on cosmetic surgery techniques & procedures, visit the MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center:
About MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center:
The MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center offers state-of-the-art highly specialized procedures in laser and cosmetic surgery techniques including fractional laser resurfacing and aesthetic skin care. Milford Pennsylvania’s MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center is sought out by patients from around the world for expertise and innovation in cosmetic treatments.
At MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center all procedures are performed by Richard E. Buckley, MD and Marina Buckley, MD. In addition to its extensive laser surgery capabilities, MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center offers physician designed skin care products for home use.