

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Liquid Butt Lift, or butt augmentation, is a minimally invasive procedure performed by Richard E. Buckley, MD, and can help result in more youthful, augmented buttocks. This can be achieved through using your own body fat or through MilfordMD’s Liquid Butt Lift with the use of Sculptra, a semi-permanent filler. Before & After BBL Photo GalleryThanks to celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian, having a round, perky butt is in high demand. But not everyone has that perfect butt naturally. MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center in Northeastern Pennsylvania can help. The Brazilian Butt Lift is safely performed at MilfordMD’s nationally-accredited AAAHC surgery and laser center using local tumescent anesthesia with the patient awake and comfortable.

Before & After

How is a Surgical Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Done?

The buttock augmentation and fat transfer is a more natural way to beautifully enhance the derriere. And since it uses your own body fat, it’s longer lasting and totally friendly to the body. Liposuction may be performed in the areas around the buttocks to help enhance the results. The most typical sites to harvest fat cells include thighs, hips, abdomen and back. The fat that is removed from the body is then prepared and then sculpted into the buttocks. Dr. Richard E. Buckley’s approach to careful artistic placement of fat helps to improve the fullness and curvature of the buttocks.

What are the Advantages of Brazilian Butt Lift Over Implants?

Using your own fat is more natural than butt implants, and totally comfortable. Transplanting your own fat eliminates the risk of rejection by the body. The procedure is done at MilfordMD using local anesthesia, rather than in a hospital setting with general anesthesia. The Brazilian Butt Lift is a safer method to augment the buttocks, and since autologous fat transfer uses one’s own fat cells, the result is lasting. Plus, stem cells in the fat play a role in the healing process.


A good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift near me is someone in good health, over the age of 18, who has realistic expectations. A good candidate will also have sufficient fat to be removed from an area where it is not wanted.

You should rest for 24 hours after the procedure. A compression garment may be issued. We recommend staying away from butt exercises during the healing process. Swelling from the procedure will gradually subside within a few weeks.

Recovery from a Brazilian Butt Lift at MilfordMD is surprisingly swift, with most patients able to resume light activities within a week. You may experience some bruising and swelling in both the donor sites and the buttocks, which will subside over time. We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions and support, ensuring that your recovery is as comfortable and successful as possible.

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