Eczema is a common skin condition that any race or age can experience. For some, it recurs throughout life; coming and going depending on the situation. While there is no exact cause known, many people with eczema often have a history of allergies, asthma or hay fever. Dr. Marina Buckley of MilfordMD Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery & Laser Center in Northeastern Pennsylvania sees many patients with eczema, and can offer different treatment options to manage eczema outbreaks, depending on the individual’s situation.
The appearance of eczema varies from person to person. Intense itching is usually the first symptom. Other symptoms include dry, red skin that burns or itches. Sometimes, eczema can lead to blisters or dry and scaly skin. While eczema is typically found on the neck, face, inside of elbows, knees and ankles, it can occur anywhere on the body. Eczema can be a brief reaction or persist over a longer period of time.
There are quite a few different types of eczema. The most common type is atopic dermatitis. This comes and goes depending on exposure and/or triggers. Mold, pollen, detergents, and allergies of all kinds can trigger atopic dermatitis flare-ups. Contact dermatitis is another form of eczema that causes redness, itching, burning in areas of the skin that come into contact with an allergen or chemical. Seborrheic eczema is a form of eczema of unknown cause with signs and symptoms including yellowish, oily patches of skin on the face, scalp and other parts of the body. Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin inflammation caused by a scratch-itch cycle that often begins with a localized itch that becomes intense and irritated when scratched.
Treatment options can vary from person to person. It may include lifestyle changes and medications; based on the type of eczema and overall health of the patient. While there is no cure, there are options to help manage eczema
If the itching of eczema is irritating you, it’s time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Marina Buckley at MilfordMD. Call the office at 570-296-4000 for an appointment.