You will have to remove any makeup or sunblock before the treatment and you will also be asked to wear safety goggles. The light will then be positioned close to your face and you will be treated for 20 minutes. After that you’re free to go home.
Omnilux blue™ for Acne and Actinic Keratosis
Omnilux blue™ is based on a matrix of LEDs, which provide narrowband visible light. The individual LED cone angle and the spacing of the LEDs ensure uniformity of the beam for full coverage of the treaent area.
The high spectral purity also means that no UV, IR or inappropriate visible radiation is delivered, increasing both the precision and effectiveness of the treatment. Ten years of research regarding light sources for PDT ensures that all criteria for optimized efficacy of treatment are covered i.e. treatment time, intensity and wavelengths that activate relevant absorption spectra.