Terms Of Use
This web site is for information and educational purposes only
Users should review these terms of use before using the website. This website does not provide specific medical advice. Information presented should not be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan, product, or course of action. The physicians are not engaged in providing or rendering medical or professional services through this website. This website does not replace medical consultations with qualified health or medical professionals.
Patients should see a professional health care provider if they suspect they are ill. Do not use the information herein to diagnose or treat your cosmetic surgery or medical problems. You should contact the physician of your choosing with all questions and concerns.
DISCLAIMER: Individual results vary. Patient testimonials, images or videos do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience. Each patient’s experience, recovery and results will be unique depending on their skin, age, health and other individual factors. Best results may be promoted with a proper diet and regular exercise. While website content is frequently updated, some information may be out of date.
The text, graphics, photos, videos and other information (the “Content”) on this website is not intended as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Always seek the advice of a licensed medical doctor regarding any medical condition or procedure.
The Website ( www.milfordmd.com ) may display Content that is graphic in nature and that may depict partial or full nudity. If you find such material offensive you should not use the Website or you should exercise caution before accessing certain features of the Website.
You must be at least 18 years old to have our permission to use the Website. We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose personally identifiable information about visitors.
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