What to Expect on Your Procedure Day
When you arrive at our surgical center on the day of your procedure, our staff will greet you and show you to the room where you will have your final pre-op exam. You will be provided with a surgical gown to change into. You will need to be sure that you have followed everything in our Pre-Op instructions sheet prior to arriving. If you are having local anesthetic during your procedure, you may have a light breakfast or small lunch up to 3 hours prior to arriving. For patients undergoing general anesthesia, you will be instructed to NOT eat or drink anything after midnight the night before. Your skin should be freshly washed with antibacterial soap (containing NO moisturizers) and your hair should be shampooed. You should not be wearing any lotion, body sprays (perfume or cologne), or have any antiperspirant on. All jewelry and piercings should be removed. If you are wearing a wedding band, we will tape it.
After one final trip to the restroom, you will have your before pictures taken and then be marked with a felt tipped skin marker. Dr. Richard Buckley will meet with you to answer any final questions or concerns you may have before being escorted to the surgery room.