

Tummy tuck / Abdominoplasty

Looking for a flatter, toned, and firmer abdomen? MilfordMD Surgery & Laser Center’s Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) is here to help. You can choose between a Mini Tummy Tuck for less invasive tightening with a shorter recovery time, or a Full Traditional Tummy Tuck for extensive muscle tightening and skin removal. This treatment is ideal for individuals who have good health, stable weight, and seek a tighter abdomen. The recovery time takes 1-3 weeks, allowing most to return to work within one week.

Before & After


A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is used to achieve a flatter, more toned, firmer abdomen with less frontal protrusion and tighter skin.

A mini tummy tuck, also known as a partial abdominoplasty, uses a short incision on the middle part lower part of the abdomen to remove loose, sagging, excess skin and achieve tightening. A mini tuck uses a much shorter incision and is much less invasive than a full abdominoplasty. A mini tummy tuck leaves the navel intact, has a shorter recovery time and can be done as an outpatient procedure.

  • you do not smoke and are in generally good health
  • you are at a stable weight and not too far from your ideal body weight (within 10%)
  • you have excess, lax or sagging abdominal skin
  • you would like to have a tighter smoother abdomen and have realistic expectations

1-3 weeks. Commonly, you may return to work in one week.

At MilfordMD Surgery & Laser Center, we often find the laser liposculpting alone gives enough tightening so that a tummy tuck is not necessary. A tummy tuck can be performed at the same time if it is clear that it will be needed.

A full abdominoplasty may be necessary for those who are not within 10% of their ideal body weight, have a great deal of loose skin and need extensive abdominal muscle tightening. In a full tummy tuck an incision is made around the navel as well as in the lower abdomen. The navel is repositioned higher and typically abdominal muscles are pulled together with inner sutures. The recovery time is longer for a full tummy tuck.

Tummy tucks are not a substitute for exercise and a weight maintenance program.

Tummy tucks can’t help stretch marks very much. They can help some and treatment with Thermage may result in additional improvement.

If you are planning substantial weight loss or pregnancy you should consider waiting on considering a tummy tuck.

Note: MilfordMD Surgery & Laser Center offers out patient procedures including mini tummy tucks. Patients who are after bariatric surgery and have extensive amounts of loose skin would require in-patient traditional abdominal surgery.

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