
Maureen Snell, NJ


I am by no means a vain person…ok, I’m a vain person. I want to look good, look younger than I am, and look the best that I can. Dr Buckley has done wonders for me in that arena! Botox is a magical thing in the right hands, and Dr B is an artist. People in Hollywood talk about not getting Botox because they can’t be expressive if they do, but I say they are seeing results from people who are sub par or aren’t experts in the use of Botox. I was happy with my initial results that I saw 2 weeks after my first visit and it just keeps getting better and better.

The initial visit is laying the groundwork and my first impression was that it would mostly involve the forehead area, but I was wrong. Dr B has tweaked and improved practically every region of my face and nobody can tell. People say to me “wow, you look amazing” or “you look so well rested, did you just come back from vacation?” but have never guessed that I get Botox. That is the beauty of Botox and Dr. B’s work..you get spectacular results without anyone knowing that you did anything. You can confess and praise Dr B as I do, or you can shrug and say “good genes!”

Dr Buckley’s skills in dermatology helped me to start modeling at age 37…and now at age 39 I feel like I look even better. Thanks Dr. B!!!

Maureen Snell, NJ
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